Today’s work. Long time since I’ve posted. But the shop is running at 11 right now. The mill runs pretty much all day. Finished up the main tube mitering jig last week and the chainstay tacking jig the week past. This week I’m working on the chainstay and seatstay mitering jig. These took me all day to make but I had a blast making them. Not to be messed with…
Chainstay Mitering Tube Blocks
Today’s work. Long time since I’ve posted. But the shop is running at 11 right now. The mill runs pretty much all day. Finished up the main tube mitering jig last week and the chainstay tacking jig the week past. This week I’m working on the chainstay and seatstay mitering jig. These took me all day to make but I had a blast making them. Not to be messed with…
Chainstay Mitering Tube Blocks, originally uploaded by BLACK CAP Studio.