A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. I was interning at Bicycling Magazine under my now good friend Chris Neyen who was at the time, the Graphic Designer at Bicycling. I met him on the trail of all places on South Mtn. one afternoon. One thing led to another during conversation and he insisted I come in for an interview.
As I was helping out with graphic elements of the magazine and such, Rodale needed a rider for some shoots and I agreed to take my bike out and ride around. Ride back and forth while someone takes some pictures? I’M IN. Paid to ride your bike. Not a bad gig. Well, all along this time I was still figuring out my life path and ended up visiting RISD’s Industrial Design program. In the meantime, I continued to ride, work at Bicycling and help out with the occasional shoot waiting to find out if I had been accepted to the Rhode Island School of Design. In the mayhem, I was asked to head south for an article. The above cover shot is the result of that trip.
Fun times and got to meet some great people, professionals and just have a good time doing what I love to do. Not long after this, I got my acceptance notice in the mail from RISD and was really at a crossroads: Super cool job at a bicycling magazine OR go back to school to follow my dreams… Chris basically kicked me out and said “Rodale will be here if you come back”.
I’m glad I took that step and Chris encouraged my to do so. Actually everyone at Rodale was super supportive and I am grateful for my time there.
From the Archive: Mtn. Bike Mag – Dec/Jan 2000
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. I was interning at Bicycling Magazine under my now good friend Chris Neyen who was at the time, the Graphic Designer at Bicycling. I met him on the trail of all places on South Mtn. one afternoon. One thing led to another during conversation and he insisted I come in for an interview.
As I was helping out with graphic elements of the magazine and such, Rodale needed a rider for some shoots and I agreed to take my bike out and ride around. Ride back and forth while someone takes some pictures? I’M IN. Paid to ride your bike. Not a bad gig. Well, all along this time I was still figuring out my life path and ended up visiting RISD’s Industrial Design program. In the meantime, I continued to ride, work at Bicycling and help out with the occasional shoot waiting to find out if I had been accepted to the Rhode Island School of Design. In the mayhem, I was asked to head south for an article. The above cover shot is the result of that trip.
Fun times and got to meet some great people, professionals and just have a good time doing what I love to do. Not long after this, I got my acceptance notice in the mail from RISD and was really at a crossroads: Super cool job at a bicycling magazine OR go back to school to follow my dreams… Chris basically kicked me out and said “Rodale will be here if you come back”.
I’m glad I took that step and Chris encouraged my to do so. Actually everyone at Rodale was super supportive and I am grateful for my time there.
From the Archive: Mtn. Bike Mag – Dec/Jan 2000, originally uploaded by 44 Bikes.